

Leaks in from Chipata have revealed that the Ngoni chief Mpezeni has just endorsed PF leader Michael Sata. This happened about 45 minutes ago when Sata and his entourage visited the chief at his Empadukeni palace.
Sata with his team that included Given Lubinda and other PF MPs arrived at the palace at about 09:30 hours and went straight in the palace for a closed door meeting with chief Mpezeni.
After about 45 minutes the chief came out to see off his guest and then gave a live interview to Hot FM.
“Ise kuno talema nao abo bamene mukamba at chitukuko. (here we are tired of the government). Chitukuko chinatinama ati bazapanga museu kuno, but namaje. (Government lied that they will build a road to the palace but nothing up to now)
Tifuna manje aSata akatipangileko museu kuno (Now we want to try Mr Sata so he can come build a road here)” said the Chief.

Lately there has been increased tension between Mpezeni’s led Ngoni people with the MMD and president Banda.
The crack was obvious when the chief was at UTH and Sata visited him while president Banda did not. Then came the resignation of Chipata Central MP Lameck Mangani who has since joined PF.
The last straw has been reported MP adoption by President Banda with candidates who were not on the preferred list of the chief. The main constituency in question is Luangeni where the chief preferred a Noel Nkoma while president Banda has insisted and gone ahead to adopt a Kennedy Zulu.


Posted by special dating advice on 4:08 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response


  1. Twaisa bane !

  2. the paramount chief is now beibg realistic and that wat we call leadership. one has to be an independent person in life. you dont have alway to be at the mercy of someone and contrals your thinking because if he controls your decision like who to vote for, the he controls your thinking and futre...
    please Chief Mpezeni, stand on your feet. dont be afraid. be like Mangani. it shows power and authority in you. its maturity. we are wiyh you.

    God bless Zambia

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