
EX-Finance Bank Executive Noel Nkoma Cheating On Wife?

It is pay back time for Rupia Banda's son Andrew Banda who was sued by former finance Bank director Noel Nkoma last year and the matter was settled in court.

This time Nkhoma might be dragged to court by his wife for cheating on her with a Zambia Air-force(ZAF) officer   how is in her late 20s the two have being spotted in pubs chatting over a drink til Midnight.

The girl in love is identified as Lieutenant Michelle, single and journalist working in the ZAF, public relations department, the two seemed to be happy and in love until they were caught red handed by the wife of Mr Nkoma, Mrs Nkhoma.

Posted by special dating advice on 1:10 AM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

2 comments for "EX-Finance Bank Executive Noel Nkoma Cheating On Wife?"

  1. That was nice, let the woman sue the man for divorce because how can a man cheat on his wife.

  2. @love yes a man can cheat on the wife!! it's nothing new but all about morals

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