
Fathers day

Sunday June 19 is father’s day and kachepa360 wants to acknowledge all proud Zambian fathers, happy fathers day to you. We have also compiled some donts to guide you through the day.

This is not how a father should spend father's day

1. Don’t go drinking to celebrate - The problem with Zambians we think that going out and getting drunk cut rubbish is the only way to celebrate holidays.. Noooo. Do spend father’s day with people who matter, doing things that matter.. Don’t celebrate being a father with hos in the club who don’t even care about you while your girlfriend, baby mama or wifey is left calling you continuously to ask ‘nanga mubwela ntau bwanji?’ (but what time are you coming home?)

It's not your responsibility to buy these mothers drinks tonight

2. Don’t buy a round for all mother’s in the club – First of all, you shouldn’t even be in the club on father’s day but we know that some of you are addicted to being kuma dizzy so we just want to emphasize that don’t spend on the women today, women are supposed to spend on you. Fathers day is not mothers day. Some of you like to over do aniwone aniwone aka ‘A Chamu‘ when you have a few extra kwachas to spend.. “Hey iwe barman, get a round for the ladies on table 1, table 3, table 6, table 7 and table 10!” Typical Zambian man. One guy furnishing 5 different tables of women in one bar, in one night! Dummy, save your money for you family!! Father’s day is a day for women or atleast your one woman to pamper you, not the other way round.

It's fathers day. Daddy what time are you coming home?

3. Don’t spend it with your side chick - We know you like to spend Sundays at your side chick’s home or going for a drink with your side chick because you feel trapped at home with your nagging woman and noisy kids; but today is not the day for your irresponsible antics. Put your side chick on the bench for today and spend it with your #1 woman or the mother or your children (if you’re still together). You never know what the #1 has planned for you (*if you know what we mean*). So happily stick around home and see what happens.. It could be a memorable night *wink wink*.

Don't be calling all this gang to your father's day

4. Don’t have a braii with your boys - Father’s day is not your party. It’s not for you to call up Joseph, Peter, Mwila, Jk, C.R.I.$.I.$, John, Dandy krazy, General Kanene and have a huge pwando. Talking about, “Hey imwe guys bwelani kuno kuma dizzy.” No. It’s a day to spend with your immediate family like wife and kids or baby mama and kids.

Even if your dad's a disgrace, he's still your father.. So call him up and say "Happy Fathers Day Dad."

5. Don’t forget your father figures – Father’s day is a day to also acknowledge the man that looked after you when you were young, the man you looked up to when you were young or even the man that has shaped your life into what it is today. It could even be a father from the neighborhood that has greatly influenced your life. We know it’s English manners that you are too embarrassed to express as a Zambian but you need to call your father or father figure and wish them a happy father’s day.

Macky 2 spending quality time with his sons, Slapdee & Ruff Kid.

6. Don’t ignore your children - Father’s day is not the day for you to just quickly pass by your baby mama’s house, drop off some food and say a quick hello to your son or daughter. You need to spend some quality time with your children. Get to know your children and all the simple things about them; what they like, where their birth mark is located, what they don’t like, what makes them laugh, what makes them cry, what they wish for etc. Not just, “hi kids. Daddy is busy okay?”

A General Kanene wanna-be getting arrested probably for beating up his wife

7. Don’t get arrested for beating your woman - Father’s day is not a day for woman or wife battering. Be tolerant towards your woman today for once. Avoid pulling a General Kanene at all costs.

Posted by special dating advice on 7:01 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

1 comments for "Fathers day"

  1. nizee, job well done!!

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